This article will show you what Sedna's home page looks like when you log in to the mobile version. This allows you to use the same features of Sedna at the tip of your fingers.
- For iOS devices, you can download the Sedna app on the App Store. The iOS App is available on the App Store. Download steps are found here.
- The Chrome browser is available for Android users and as an alternative for iOS devices as well.
Sedna App on iOS
The iOS App is available on the App Store. Download steps are found here.
To login:
- Open the app.
- Login with your username:
- Either Sedna username (e.g. jack.sedna / name.tenantid) or
- Single Sign On login (e.g. usually an associated company email address which users may be redirected to an organisation authorization login page to enter company credentials)
To logout:
1. Open the app.
2. Click the top left menu icon
3. Click your initials at the bottom left hand corner & select log out
Chrome Browser for Android Phones (and iOS) devices
- Launch the website, make sure you are logging in at the correct URL (https://{company-name} (e.g.
- Login with your username:
- Either Sedna username (e.g. jack.sedna / name.tenantid) or
- Single Sign On login (e.g. usually a associated company email address which users may be redirected to an organisation authorization login page to enter company credentials)
Should you encounter any issues login in with mobile, you may refer to this article: Mobile Login Issue
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