At the core of Sedna is data-driven communication. We’ve built products which push the boundaries of efficiency and automation for you - our customers. But we want to take it further and provide even more visibility and control when it comes to your email.
Analytics shows how your organisation uses Sedna. It lays out data in a clear and filterable way - providing insights into how you communicate within teams, across teams and around specific transactions or jobs.
Resources & Support
As valuable customers, we welcome you to share feedback on the functionality and look of this feature. Should you have any questions, require support or want to provide feedback, feel free to reach out to our Support team and please include “Analytics” in the subject.
Check out the Sedna Help Centre to find more details on how to use Analytics.
Make the most of Analytics
We’ve identified three holistic themes of how Sedna Analytics can provide the most value for your business. By digging into its reporting functionality, Analytics can provide powerful insights into how teams perform, how you work and communicate and how Sedna itself provides value.
Report on your overall performance
Understand how your teams are working and performing. Set KPIs, SLAs and OKRs.
Report | Filters, Sorting or further analysis to apply | Insights | Learnings | Conclusions & next steps |
Performance | Response time by Team Inboxes, filter by Quarter | Median response time across all teams | Understanding compliance and SLA's adherence | Inform strategies for improved compliance |
Performance |
Read time by Job Tag Response time by Job Tag |
Identify most/least active jobs/voyages Compare performance between teams |
Quality of job/voyage management |
Inform job management best practices Identify top performing teams |
Email volume | Email volume by Job Tag |
Email volume for specific jobs Compare between different jobs |
How much energy is going into a job compared to its revenue | Inform how to manage a voyage, while considering Time Charter Equivalent |
Email volume | Email volume by Team Inboxes, divided by # of team members | Email volume by team |
Teams sending the most emails Teams receiving the most emails |
Inform strategies for team management |
The value of Sedna in your organization
Show the impact Sedna is having, from saving time to automating tasks and improving collaboration within your teams.
Report | Filters, Sorting or further analysis to apply | Insights | Learnings | Conclusions & next steps |
Internal activity | Sort by Comments | Collaboration within and across teams by using Comments rather than sending emails |
Teams collaborating the least/most Whether teams are using Sedna efficiently How well teams are reducing email volume |
Informing Sedna processes, workflows, behaviours and configuration of Team Inboxes - to maximise efficiency and use of Sedna |
Internal activity | Sort by Shares | Collaboration across teams by using Shares instead of Forwarding | Teams who collaborate with other teams least/most | Informing Sedna processes, workflows, behaviours and configuration of Team Inboxes - to maximize efficiency and use of Sedna |
Internal activity | Sort by Internal sends |
Which Sedna teams are emailing the most with people in their organization who are not in Sedna Where internal sends are creeping up over time |
Which teams within the organization but outside Sedna are being communicated the most |
Download CSV to further analyze Identify which teams could benefit from being brought into Sedna, because they are frequently contacted via email |
Tagging events |
Sort by Manually added Sort by Removed |
Find the most manually added/removed tags A general audit of tagging Can also compare the amount of manual vs auto-tagging for those top tags |
Learn where you spend the most time categorizing emails | Understand manual workload of teams and identify room for automatic tagging and more efficient Sedna behaviours |
Tagging events | Sort by Automatically added | Which tags are automatically added the most | Learn where Sedna is reducing manual filing work, saving time and making work more efficient | Report on where Sedna has been most effective |
Email volume |
Email volume by Team Inboxes --> Drill down to domains Sort by domains |
Outbound and inbound volume for each domain | Learning whether there is a lot of email interaction with people who are internal to the company but not in Sedna | Identify which teams could benefit from being brought into Sedna, because they are frequently contacted via email |
Deep dive into how you communicate
Answer specific questions about how your organisation communicates with deeper analysis, empower others with insights and make confident business decisions.
Report | Filters, Sorting or further analysis to apply | Insights | Learnings | Conclusions & next steps |
Email volume | Email volume by Team Inboxes --> Drill down to Contacts | Identify most frequent contacts | Infer who you may be doing the most business with |
Gauging the value of specific contacts: who is getting the most energy from your teams, and how does this match the level of revenue you receive? Can also inform improved Sedna behaviours like using Snippets or Templates for frequently sent emails, saving time |
Email volume | Email volume by Job Tag --> Drill down to Domains |
See how much email volume exists for a specific job/voyage See which organizations are the most frequently contacted |
Infer who you may be doing the most business with for a voyage |
Gauging the value of specific contacts: who is getting the most energy from your teams, and how does this match the level of revenue you receive? Can also inform improved Sedna behaviours like using Snippets or Templates for frequently sent emails, saving time |
Email volume | Email volume by Team Inboxes --> Drill down to Domains or Contacts, Sort by Inbound volume | Identify where highest volumes of email are coming from, whether its from individual contacts or domains | Infer where you are getting frequent automated, spam or other unnecessary emails | Understand what may be causing inbox noise. Take action on unwanted contacts (mute, unsubscribe) or create Live searches to easily Bulk Archive messages you know are unnecessary. |
Performance | Sort by Response time --> Drill down to distribution for 8 hour window | Deeper dive into distribution of response times by a team |
How far off were teams in response time from the SLA compliance requirements? Response time throughout voyage |
Inform strategies for improved compliance |
Tagging events | Sort by Category Tags, filter by date range | How many times a tag is added to messages, per date range specified |
Seasonality of certain commodities, vessel sizes, or regions of work Volume pattern over time of specific workflows (e.g. invoices or claims) |
Inferring market trends, informing business/team decisions |
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