Comments allow you and your team to talk around a message, and share context without having to send a separate message, or leave your inbox.
The Activity Panel of the Context Panel displays comments made on each message.
A red "Comment" icon on a message tile indicates that a message has a comment you have not read yet. The grey "Comment" icon indicates that all comments on the message have been read by you already.
Users can tag their colleagues in a comment on messages using the @mentions feature in the Context Panel.
Tagging a colleague in a comment automatically applies their Follower token to the message. This will cause the message to appear in your colleague's Important and Following tabs.
If users have their notifications enabled, they will receive a notification when they have been tagged using @mentions on a message. For more information on how to set up notifications, see the Notifications article here.
Note: @mentions will only work if the user mentioned has access to the message through their teams. When you begin typing '@', you will only see members of the team you're currently in.
Using @Mentions:
- Click on the message you wish to tag.
- Expand the panel on the right side of the message.
- Click into the Activity Panel.
- Begin typing your comment in the comment box. When you are ready to tag a colleague, type @name. For example, if you chose to tag John Doe in the message, type @johndoe. Hit enter when you are done and the message will show your comment, and the action of tagging your colleague.
Share with @Mentions
When @mentioning someone in your organisation who does not have access to the message you are commenting on, you will be prompted by SEDNA to Share the message to one of that person's inboxes.
Messages sent from SEDNA to another of your Teams are automatically Shared on Send.
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