SEDNA's integration with Dataloy allows users to access Schedules, Vessels, and Cargo from Dataloy as well as all relevant information attached to them from within SEDNA. SEDNA does this by tagging messages with Dataloy Job Tags in order to connect Messages to Dataloy information. Users can then insert information from Dataloy into to a draft Message or Note.
When you click Vessel, further information specific to that Vessel that is logged in Dataloy will be displayed, such as speed consumption and date of creation of the Vessel. Clicking Cargo will display further information logged in Dataloy on that specific Cargo.
To access Dataloy while viewing a Message
- Go to a Message tagged with the Job Tag you want to look at.
- Click the SEDNA Link icon (
) located next to the message ID at the top of the screen.
- Choose the Dataloy icon.
- Scroll through to view any relevant information attached to the Dataloy Job Tag on that Message.
Note: Data will be presented in reverse chronological order, with the first data appearing at the bottom of the SEDNA Link window.
To view the Vessel or Cargo in Dataloy itself, click the icon from the Dataloy panel, as shown in the image below.
To access Dataloy while sending a Message
- Go to a draft Message, Reply, or Forward with a Dataloy Tag on it.
- Click the SEDNA Link icon at the bottom of your Draft.
- Choose the Dataloy icon.
- To insert the information from a Schedule, Vessel, or Cargo, select 'Insert' from the relevant data page.
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