Saved Searches is a powerful feature held within SEDNA. This function allows you to recall messages that fit specific search terms that you frequently use. As an example, you're an Ops Manager and every day you search for "delay." By saving this search term "delay", it will save you time as you get in in the morning you can select "Saved Searches" and the results are immediately returned.
Create a Saved Search
- In the Search Bar, enter your search query.
- Once you have the search phrase, open the dropdown to the right of the Search bar and choose to Save this search, give it a name, and the Saved Search is instantly available from the sidebar.
Updating Saved Searches
- After selecting an existing Saved Search, and making the relevant changes to the search
- Open the dropdown to the right of the Search bar and select Update
Rename, Share, Notifications, and Deleting Saved Searches
Hovering over an existing Saved Search, on the sidebar will display a More Actions option , click this and you’ll be able to take the necessary action.
The following links provide more info on Notifications and Sharing of Saved Searches.
Managed your Saved Searches
To manage your existing Saved Searches or the ones that are shared with you, hover over to the sidebar to see a settings wheel, click this.
Here you will see all the Saved Searches shared with you, click the Bookmark icon to add each one to your own Saved Search. You’ll also have access to all your Saved Searches so you can manage them all in one place.
Tip: Saved Searches can be reordered by holding and then drag and drop into your preferred order.
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