Search queries can be customized to look for very specific messages that you want to filter in SEDNA. You have the options to include free text, Job Reference Tags, Category Tags, People Tags, boolean operators (i.e. and, or, not), Conditions (has:Comments, has:Attachment) or Message Status (ie is:Read, is:Unread) and filters (ie in:Inbox, in:Draft).
Creating and Editing Custom Queries
1. To start a Custom Query, click on the pencil icon on the Search bar.
2. This pulls out a new modal within SEDNA.
Add Term means add a new term to the AND
Add Set means add a new set within the AND clause
Cancel returns you to the normal inbox without any changes to your search
Reset cancels all of the changes that you made, and returns the search to the state that it was when you began.
Search takes the new search that you defined in the Custom Query and applies it to your messages.
Adding a new Term
A term is analogous to a search token within the search bar. Such as:
- Words or phrases within the message
- To, from, cc - searching for a name, domain or full email address
- Job reference tag, category tag or a person tag
- If the message has an attachment, a comment or a tag
To add a new term, click the + Add Term
Creating a new Set
Multiple terms are joined together in a Set linked together by a common boolean rule.
By default, all of the terms in a normal search are joined by the rule AND.
Where AND has been specified the search looks for all Messages in which all of the conditions are true.
If we switch the AND to OR in the Custom Query Editor then you can search in for conditions that match in different Sets. Sets can be nested within each other to create complex logic.
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